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find us hard at work at the Beckman Institute

The Memory Systems Lab is a part of the School of Psychology. We're located on the sixth floor and can be found in room 657.

We also conduct research in collaboration with The Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is a world-class interdisciplinary research institute devoted to leading-edge research in the physical sciences, computation, engineering, biology, behavior, cognition, and neuroscience. The Institute's primary mission is to foster interdisciplinary work of the highest quality, transcending many of the limitations inherent in traditional university organizations and structures.

Visit Us
University of Illinois Psychology Building: Room 657
603 E Daniel St
Champaign, IL 61820

Get in Touch
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For now, please email.

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Want to get involved with our research?

If you are interested in gaining research experience and earning psychology course credit, we offer courses in which you will receive credit hours for your work in our lab. We also are currently looking for participants for our studies from a variety of populations.

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